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Tree of Life - Izapa Stela 5
The original stone artifact was discovered in 1941 by M. Stirling of the Smithsonian, in the Izapa ruins of Mexico. About a decade later Professor Jakeman of BYU claimed it is a representation of "The Tree of Life." It has also been labeled the "Lehi Stone." This sculpture is the most accurate to date. Previous versions were based on Jakeman's 1958 sketch, and Garth Normans 1973 sketches which left out many details. To the best of our knowledge, you will not find a recreation of this stone anywhere as detailed as this one. The stela shows a tree, water, fruit, and images of several people along with other significant details.

This product is available for purchase at Maskery & Lund
You will receive documentation explaining some facts about the stela, as well as some of the symbolism according to LDS theories. This sculpture will be shipped with an easel, ready for display. Dimensions: 10"x10"x1", Approx: 3 lbs.

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